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Working with a green conscious: the goal of GF Hotels

Next 5th June is World Environment Day and GF Hotels joins in the celebration. We know that every day is a new opportunity to protect our environment and that with every action we can contribute to making things better. Therefore, our maxim is to work with a green conscious. 

Promoting actions for the conservation of our planet, as well as educating in values are the main tools we use to be part of the change. 

This 2024, under the slogan ‘our earth, our future’, the claim of this special day is framed, in which from here we want to be an active part of the change. 

Operating with a green conscience as a synonym for sustainability

Green consciousWhen we talk about working from a green conscience, we mean operating by applying various mechanisms for the sustainability of organisations. But how can we do this in the hope that it will really have a positive effect on society? Betting on mechanisms such as certifications is, without a doubt, one of the most effective and transparent ways.

At GF, we have ISO 14001 and ISO 21401 standards through which we guarantee our guests the control of the environmental aspects of our organisation, in the first case, as well as our alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, in the second. 

In addition, we are also registered in the EMAS Register, reserved for companies that, like us, have implemented an environmental management system, allowing them to evaluate, manage and improve their impact on the environment.

Services that reflect our values

With the aim of making our chain an example of commitment and responsibility, externally we want to make visible our actions in favour of the planet, and that is why at all levels, including our services, we also operate with a principle of environmental quality.

A reflection of this could be our BIO Spa, present in different hotels of the group, with which we have won different international awards, and in which services such as natural treatments are some of the most demanded. 

Green consciousness, our way of relating to society

One of our greatest satisfactions at corporate level is to be able to influence our society, the Canary Islands, in a relevant way. For this reason, our participation in initiatives such as sustainable conferences, a fundamental aspect for our islands, has become our way of doing our bit for society.

Caring for our land today to enjoy it tomorrow

Green consciousTaking advantage of the celebration of this day, we call on all our guests to participate in the celebration of this day in an indirect way. We can all be agents of change, even without realising it.

We have reduced more than 60% of our carbon footprint, but there is still much more we can do. That’s why we invite our guests to generate the smallest possible footprint in a very simple way. How? Practices such as taking advantage of natural light, turning off lights, controlling the air conditioning thermostat and turning it off when it is no longer necessary, taking short showers or using less hot water, among others.

At GF Hotels, we want to help and as we know that small actions bring big results, we continue to work to be part of the change.

Find out more about our environmental commitment through our website.