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Experiences, the perfect gift for Christmas

The Christmas season arrives and, with it, the family reunions, the meals with friends, the exchange of gifts and the last-minute rush. How to surprise your partner? What to give to that family member or the friend who has everything? We visit shopping centres and spend a lot of time planning and buying presents, but we often forget that the best gift is not a material object, but an experience.

Shared moments are the most valuable and personal gifts that can be given to another person. Taking care of others enriches those who do it, but also those who receive it. Gather your family, your friends or your partner together to do something different, because the moments lived, the bonds shared, and the love given, are remembered far more than all the materials gifts put together.


Whoever the recipient, we bring you a selection of reasons why experiences are the perfect gift to give this Christmas. You’ll see that it´s true!

– When we enjoy an emotional experience, we generate the famous happiness hormone, and in addition, we create a more lasting memory than when we make material gifts. Spending time with family, partner or friends and being able to live different experiences and adventures together, unites us even more.

– Living an experience offers a break from the usual the routines of couples, family and from the stresses of work. It takes us out of our comfort zone and away from the daily hustle and bustle. At times, it challenges us to grow as people and to get to know each other in depth and can create wonderful memories.

– Gifting experiences, demonstrates much more than giving a material object; including great empathy, love and knowledge about the other person, which adds to the happiness of the recipient.

– Finally, it´s not necessary to wait for a special occasion to share time with your loved ones. Although special dates such as anniversaries, Christmas and birthdays are important, any occasion is a good one to show those we love how important they are to us.

Take the opportunity to disconnect from the Christmas routine and commitments, because this is, and should remain, a time to share quality time with your family.

Surprise them with a family getaway to enjoy an exclusive environment, something which we offer in all five of our hotels. A different family experience, relaxing and a treat for the senses.

And remember that material things wear out, break, get lost or simply go out of style, but what we have lived and experienced together, will remain forever.

Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels