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  • Do you know the advantages of staying with GF HOTELES?

Do you know the advantages of staying with GF HOTELES?

At GF HOTELES we strive to provide a unique and special service to all our visitors, and that is why we offer a series of exclusive benefits for booking directly with us.

We know the importance of attending to every detail, to make our guest’s holidays be perfect and unforgettable.

Our corporate culture is based on working with passion, humility and credibility. Communication has great importance among our whole team, as this makes everything flow in the best way.

When someone decides to book their holiday in any of our hotels, you can rest assured that they will be in the best hands.

We offer a service with heart and personality, to bring closeness and empathy to all our clients.

At GF HOTELES we work with a team of professionals to guarantee excellent service to all our guests.

Special requests, priority for the best views, unique welcomes, offers, promotions, the best facilities and prices, guaranteed fun for all the family… those are just some of the many  advantages of choosing any of the hotels in our chain for your holiday.

You can manage your reservation comfortably through our website or, if you prefer, you can call 922 975 154 to guarantee a more personalized attention.

We are waiting for you!